


例えばイギリス英語では「a rubbish bin」または「a dust bin」と答えますが、アメリカ英語では「trash can」または「garbage can」となります。



I take the rubbish out every Tuesday and Friday.

What? Are you serious? Don’t talk rubbish.

Have you seen the new “Lord of the Rings” series? It was the most expensive tv show ever made and it’s absolutely rubbish.

I really don’t see what kids find so attractive about all the rubbish on tiktok. It drives me crazy watching them scroll through it for hours on end.


I don’t have time to finish my homework mum!

Don’t talk such rubbish! Try staying off your phone for an hour or two and I’m sure you will find the time.


garbage (アメリカ英語)

JK Rowling's new book was complete garbage. I gave up on it after the first few chapters.




The weather is going to be totally crap this weekend. I’m going to stay at home on the sofa all weekend binge watching Netflix


というわけで、「rubbish」は決してくだらない言葉(rubbish word)ではないですね!




Hello again everyone, it’s been a while since I’ve written a new blog but today I’d like to introduce you to one very commonly-used British phrase, ‘rubbish’. Rubbish in its noun form basically means waste or trash but in the adjective form it can mean that the quality of a thing is very bad. It can also mean that a person is lying or talking nonsense.

British vs American

Firstly, a question I am often asked is “How do you say ゴミ箱 in English?” and the answer to that is there are many different ways. For example in British English the answer would be “a rubbish bin” or “ a dust bin” but in American English it is “trash can” or "garbage can” Similarly to the British, the Americans also describe something as being garbage or trash if they don’t like it. 


Ex.1 I take the rubbish out every Tuesday and Friday.

Ex.2 What? Are you serious? Don’t talk rubbish.

Ex.3 Have you seen the new “Lord of the Rings” series? It was the most expensive tv show ever made and it’s absolutely rubbish. 

Ex. 4 I really don’t see what kids find so attractive about all the rubbish on tiktok. It drives me crazy watching them scroll through it for hours on end. 

Ex. 5. “I don’t have time to finish my homework mum!” “Don’t talk such rubbish! Try staying off your phone for an hour or two and I’m sure you will find the time.” 

Similar Phrases

Garbage (American) 

JK Rowling's new book was complete garbage. I gave up on it after the first few chapters. 

Crap ( vulgar but commonly used) 

The weather is going to be totally crap this weekend. I’m going to stay at home on the sofa all weekend binge watching Netflix

Summing Up

So, there you have it. Rubbish is not such a rubbish word after all! It can be used in a variety of different ways and is commonly used in British English. If you are talking with people from outside the UK just switch it up to garbage or trash and you will get your point across just the same. 
