



1. A love hate relationship(愛憎関係)




Last I heard Danny and Joanne had broken up again! That’s the third time this year. It’s a real love-hate relationship they have.


I have a love-hate relationship with my boss. I can’t stand being around him but I really respect his ideas and vision for the company.


2. Puppy Love(幼い恋,淡い初恋)

恋愛に不慣れなとても若い二人ついて話すときに、「Puppy love」というフレーズを使います。

My little sister is dating one of the most horrible boys in our school and I don’t like it! My mum said not to worry though because it’s just puppy love and won’t last long.


3. Love is Blind(恋は盲目)


I don’t get what Sheila sees in Chad. She's young, smart, attractive, and has a great job and he is way older than her, only works when he feels like it, and isn’t all that good looking either to be honest. Love is blind I suppose.





4. [English version]


Hello there everyone and a very happy Valentine’s to you all! 

Since this week we are celebrating Valentine’s I’d like to show you some English phrases related to love. 

A love hate relationship

This means to be in a turbulent or rocky relationship with someone, you love each other but you also fight a lot, and probably make up a lot too. We can use this to talk about romance between couples and also to talk about different kinds of relationships such as between colleagues. 


Last I heard Danny and Joanne had broken up again! That’s the third time this year. It’s a real love-hate relationship they have. 

I have a love-hate relationship with my boss. I can’t stand being around him but I really respect his ideas and vision for the company.

Puppy Love

We use puppy love to talk about love between two very young people who are inexperienced in the ways of romance.


My little sister is dating one of the most horrible boys in our school and I don’t like it! My mum said not to worry though because it’s just puppy love and won’t last long. 

Love is Blind

We use this phrase to describe a situation where a person finds something attractive in another which people around them don’t see or understand.


I don’t get what Sheila sees in Chad. She's young, smart, attractive, and has a great job and he is way older than her, only works when he feels like it, and isn’t all that good looking either to be honest. Love is blind I suppose. 

I hope those come in handy and that you have a very romantic week! 
