


✖ It is very humidity in rainy season.





〇 It is very humid in rainy season.



このアドバイスが役に立ちますように。Happy studies!


[English version]

Hi there everyone, in my last blog I recommended that you should learn all the verb tenses off by heart and my advice for this week is to do the same with adjectives, nouns, and adverbs.

“It is very humidity in rainy season” x

I’ve heard this a few times over the last week or so and that is because when you look up the word 湿度 or 湿気 in the dictionary you are looking at the noun and not the adjective. English is a bit tricky when it comes to adjectives their noun forms and their adverbs too, so same as last time it’s best to get them all firmly implanted in your brain and then you will have no trouble using them in sentences.

“It is very humid in rainy season.” 0

Remember when learning new words it’s always best to remember them in an example sentence rather that just one by one, this way you will get a feel for the way English sentences are constructed and it will help you come up with your own in the future.

Hope that advice was useful for you. Happy studies!
