






Step 1:良いカードを見つける



イギリス人は季節のメッセージにはちょっと楽しいものを好むので、私はたいていAmazonで「funny Christmas cards」をチェックします。


Step 2:住所の書き方



204 Warrington Street,
PA37 1CM
The UK

Step 3:名前の書き方

これは少し混乱する方もいると思いますが、宛名を書くには多くの方法があり、「Mr.」「 Mrs.」「Master.」「Miss.」 を使います。




夫婦宛てに手紙を書く場合は、夫の名前と「Mr. and Mrs.」を一緒に使うという、かなり昔ながらの方法を選択できます。
私の場合は、「Mr. and Mrs. Jaimie Wright」と宛名に書かれます。

少し時代遅れに見える思われる場合は、「Mr. and Mrs Wright」でも問題ありません。


Step 4:気を付けること



通常、カードが航空便で到着するのには1週​​間程度で十分ですが、私であれば、少なくとも 2~3 週間前にカードを送ります。

Step 5:何を書くか



Dear, (Name)

Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Warm wishes over the festive season from our family to yours.

Wishing you all the best for Christmas and all the best for 2023.

Hope you are all well and enjoy a wonderful Christmas and new year. 

Lots of love  (Name)




  1. 良いカードを見つける

  2. 住所の書き方は日本とは逆

  3. 「Mr.」「Mrs.」「Ms.」「Master.」「Miss.」をつける

  4. イギリスで最も忙しい時期なので余裕を持って送る

  5. 短くてシンプルなメッセージでOK




[English version]

How to Write a Christmas Card

Hello there everyone, the Yuletide season is once upon us and it’s time to get busy writing all those Christmas Cards as usual. I don’t send quite as many as I used to because nowadays I tend to send messages to people on Facebook, but for my nearest and dearest it is still nice to receive a real card for Christmas. If you have any good friends or relatives overseas, here is how you find, write, and send a Christmas card in English.

Step 1 Finding a Good Card

It can be a little difficult to find a good Christmas card in the shops in Japan. They tend to be very simple and a bit humorless. The Brits like a bit of fun in their seasonal messages so I usually just check for “funny Christmas cards” on Amazon. They can be a bit expensive though so if you don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on your card maybe a “Hallmark” card is better for you. They are also available on Amazon.

Step 2 How to Write an Address

Don’t forget that when you are sending mail to English speaking countries the address must be written in the opposite order to when you write one to Japan so it would go like this.

(Fictional Address)
204 Warrington Street,
PA37 1CM
The UK

Step 3 How to Write Names

This is a little confusing for some of my students but there are a number of ways to address people you are sending cards to, namely the use of Mr. Mrs. Ms. Master. and Miss.

It is easy for men. You address all adults as Mr. regardless of whether they are married or single.

For adult women, if you know they are married then Mrs. and if you are unsure or happen to know they are single then it is Ms.

For children, Master. for boys and Miss. for girls. It is a little old fashioned perhaps but if you are a traditionalist you can address kids this way until the age of 12. If you feel it is a bit strange then no title for children is also okay.

If you are writing to a married couple you can choose the rather old fashioned method of using the husband's name along with Mr. and Mrs. In my case it would be addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Jaimie Wright. If you think that sounds a bit outdated then “Mr. and Mrs Wright” is also fine.

The name should of course go above the address.

Step 4 Things to Consider

The main thing to consider when you are sending Christmas cards to foreign countries is that this is most definitely the busiest time of the year for the postal services and the process is significantly slower than it usually would be. Usually a week or so is enough time for a card to arrive via air mail but if I were you I’d be sending my cards at least 2-3 weeks in advance.

Step 5 What to Write

Well, a Christmas card isn’t all that hard to write really and we all know that writing a long message can be a chore especially since there are so many to send so we tend to keep it short and simple. Christmas cards are really more to show people we care about that we are thinking of them at that special time of year.

Here are some typical messages we would write.

Dear, (Name)

Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Warm wishes over the festive season from our family to yours.

Wishing you all the best for Christmas and all the best for 2023.

Hope you are all well and enjoy a wonderful Christmas and new year.

Lots of love (Name)


And there you go, it’s pretty simple really isn’t it!

To wrap up, you need to :

Find a good card.

Remember to write the address the opposite of the way you do in Japan.

Address it with Mr. Mrs. Ms. Master. or Miss.

Don’t forget it’s the busiest time of the year in the UK so send it well in advance.

You can write a short, simple message

I hope that this blog comes in handy to some of you. I know some of my students will find it very useful indeed.

All the best over the festive season from Jaimie and everyone at Kensington Eikaiwa.