【講師ブログ - Jaimie】私のもうひとつの誕生日








そうは言っても、私はここでの生活を楽しんではいますが、常に一時的なものとして考えています。 私の家族は世界中に散らばっていて、母はフランス、いとこはヨーロッパ各地、そして私は日本にいますが、いつの日か故郷に帰るべき時が来ると思っています。


P.S ちなみに私の本当の誕生日は9月7日で、好きなものはビールです!

[English version]

Hello there everyone, did you know that the Queen of England has 2 birthdays? Her real one in April and the one that is celebrated by the public in June. 

The queen and I share many similarities and that is just one of them. It sounds a bit strange but I kind of think of June 26th as a second birthday because that is the day that I came to Japan and I’ve done a lot of growing up since I came here. I was only 24 at the time and this year it’s my 18th birthday!

I got married here, started my business here, learned a second language here, both my kids were born here, and I spent the entirety of my thirties here without going home once so it makes me feel like I’ve done most of the important things in my life in Japan.  

That being said and as much as I do enjoy living here, I have always thought of it as being temporary.  My family are all spread out across the world, mum in France, cousins around Europe, and me in Japan, but I just feel that one day it will be the right time to go home. Who knows though, that day may never come. 

P.S My real birthday is September 7th. I like beer. 
