イギリスのスラング 「bloody」「bloody hell」ってどういう意味?血まみれの地獄?!【日常英会話】

ケンジントン英会話 西新校ブログ:イギリスのスラング 「bloody」「bloody hell」ってどういう意味?血まみれの地獄?!【日常英会話】


今日は「bloody hell」というフレーズをご紹介します。



bloody hell」というフレーズの起源は、1600年代のイギリスにさかのぼると言われています。
当時の「bloody」は「貴族のように」という意味があったため、「bloody drunk」は「ひどく酔っ払っている」という意味になりました。


ケンジントン英会話 西新校ブログ:イギリスのスラング 「bloody」「bloody hell」ってどういう意味?血まみれの地獄?!【日常英会話】


I went to see the new Star Wars film the other day, it was bloody good.

I really like the new Manchester United forward, he’s a bloody good player.

A: How’s your steak?

B: Absolutely bloody delicious thank you.


I’m not going to that restaurant again, it’s way too bloody expensive.

It’s too bloody hot to do anything today, I’m not going out.

A: How’s the soup?

B: It’s completely bloody awful



Bloody hell!


Bloody hell, I’m going to be late for work.

というわけで、「bloody」と「bloody hell」はとても役立つフレーズで、さまざまな場面で使われていますよ!



Hello everyone, 

Today I’d like to introduce you to the phrase “Bloody hell” and how to use “bloody” as an intensifier in a sentence.You will often hear it used in British English and it is also commonly used in Australia and New Zealand too. You won’t find many Americans or Canadians using these phrases. 


The phrase “bloody hell” seems to originate all the way to the 1600s in England when bloody meant “in the manner of an aristocrat” so you could say “bloody drunk” meaning as drunk as a lord. Over time it has just become a commonly used phrase to show surprise, agitation, or and a wealth of other emotions.


Let’s start with the use of bloody first and I’ll show you how we use it as a positive intensifier.

“I went to see the new Star Wars film the other day, it was bloody good.”

“I really like the new Manchester United forward, he’s a bloody good player.”

“How’s your steak?” 

“Absolutely bloody delicious thank you.”


Next I’ll show you the negative.

“I’m not going to that restaurant again, it’s way too bloody expensive.”

“It’s too bloody hot to do anything today, I’m not going out.”

“How’s the soup?”

“It’s completely bloody awful”


Finally, we use it combined with hell to show frustration.

For example, say you have just bought a new shirt but you accidentally spill red wine on it, the appropriate thing to say would be…

“Bloody hell!”

Or you wake up in the morning and find you have overslept! 

“Bloody hell , I’m going to be late for work.” 


So there you go, bloody and bloody hell are extremely versatile and useful phrases and we use them for all kinds of bloody things! 
